My Stories

I have written a few stories that are available primarily in digital format but several are available in hardcopy as well. I write primarily speculative fiction that is a blend of science fiction and fantasy. Not hard science fiction, but often using the terms and ideas of more technological settings to tell fantastical stories.

My stories are published by Prairie Dog Publishing which handles a variety of authors writing in a wide variety of genres.

Published so far:


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Vallan was the most skilled, honorable, and loyal knight of the entire kingdom. Her skills piloting one of the Seraph ships that protect the kingdom were second to none among the other knights. Already isolated by her taste in romantic partners, a new friend will turn others against her openly for the first time and strain the bonds of her sworn oaths.

This title is on amazon as a ebook here. It is also available as a special print edition through the publisher.






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For generations the gods were distant and uncaring. Eventually the prayers of the faithful got their attention. Those few who survived wish their gods had kept ignoring the world.

In a world broken by the gods, death no longer works the way it is supposed to. Corpses don’t like to stay in their graves when what lurks on the other side is more horrible than mortal imagination can conceive. So those that dig graves and perform the funeral rights now must sit and watch the graves to see if the dead rise up, and if they do, to deal with them.

This title is on amazon as a ebook here.





Nothing Begins In Isolation

The planet marked on star charts as Ultena has known peace ever since the Terran invasion was defeated two decades ago. Enough time that the horrors of war have faded and the opportunities of war have begun to burn bright in the minds of the powerful. So they intend for another one to start, this time without invaders the nations of the planet will have only each other to fight. This war planned to begin at a small military outpost in the wastelands where the soldiers nobody wants are assigned.

Lynne Shikabane is a veteran perfectly happy to be forgotten in exile for the rest of her career. Her biggest ambition is to have the date she has planned for the night after next go well. She has finally found someone who can help her forget about growing up in the dark years of the Terran invasion as a saboteur and child soldier.

Terraforming, plans, politics. Everything falls apart in the wastelands.

This title is on amazon as a ebook here.


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