Category Archives: My Writing

In Your Face, laziness!

As of… Two hours ago? I officially hit 50K words on my National Novel Writing Month novel. Is it good? Heck no. There is a good story in there but the words on the page (metaphorically speaking) are certainly not it. Not a single graceful scene transition and so much exposition and word padding. Still, had some cool ideas and I actually managed to have some thematic connection between the first scene and the last scene… Or wait, I might be thinking of the piece for it I wrote before the month. Anyway! I worked in thematic connection between the start of the overall story (which may or may not have actually been written this month) and the last scene I wrote to finish off the month. So that’s cool.

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Posted by on November 30, 2018 in My Writing


NaNoWriMo begins

Got almost 2000 words written on the first day. Which is a decent start. Going to finally get the pony cyberpunk out of my brain and onto paper (metaphorically speaking). Plus new depression/apathy meds so hopefully that will make me even more productive. That is, productive at all.

In other news I found out today that I lost a lot of my archived stuff in my last computer swap. Which was because of glitched hard drives. Nothing major mind you since it’s been (I think?) years since my last computer and I only now noticed. Mostly because I thought my backup harddrive had all that stuff. Apparently not! So lost 50+ gigs of anime from back when I watched a lot of fansubs. Some of which dated all the way back to when I was going to an anime club weekly back in Colorado. So, some sentimental value there. Plus the fansub groups often do a better job of translating than the official releases. Which is how I found out. Watching the official release of the third season of Nanoha and, well, it has not been inspiring. Mostly wrong organization names compared to my memory. Which in turn lead me to discover that my years of keeping track of what the anime club watched files are gone as well. Which is a big blow since that was something I maintained for around six years and was pretty damn proud of. Sort of a spiritual precursor to the BMRL now that I think about it. Might have to save up and see if those old computer harddrives can be repaired and the data gotten from them after all.

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Posted by on November 1, 2018 in Anime, My Writing, Ponies


Pony Stories 897

These posts look weird without some kind of intro bit. Oh! I should probably mention I finally put out the ponyfic I wrote for the QnB contest a while back. Had to add some extra stuff to meet the 1k wordcount minimum requirement for fimfiction. My usual wordvomit of unedited stuff. Fun, but technical quality probably not so good. The limitations for the story has been interesting. Internal monologue of a inanimate object. It is making the romance chapter hard to write without dialogue or action of any kind between the romance principles.

Laughing Her Way to the Bank by Bok
Hee. I would have loved for this to go on even longer, but I suppose a one-note joke like this could wear out it’s welcome pretty quickly.

This is a Stick-Up by Georg
Funny and sweet. Georg really is one of the best fluffy slice of life authors around. Not as much incidental worldbuilding as Admiral Biscuit does, but Georg manages to put more emotions into his stories. Just by degrees mind you. Plus I really do like the version of Ponyville that he has created.


Quick writing post

I finally got finished with typing up my Sunset & Fluttershy fan fiction I wrote down end of last year and beginning of this year. It was very nice to go back through it and find a lot of good stuff. It wasn’t all dumpster fire crud after all!

57 scenes
93,759 words

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Posted by on May 30, 2018 in My Writing, Ponies


A Perfect City

I’ve had this idea in my head pretty much since I first found out other people were doing Lost Cities style stories. I just never really came up with a good way to express the idea, so just let it roll around in my head. However! It’s nearly 4am, I got like four hours of sleep and the part of my brain that is overly critical of my creative output is missing. So you get the half-ass effort just so I can share the idea with other people.

There is a perfect city. Built by hundreds of people spent their lives on a single building. Seen my thousands of people who only glimpsed portions of it. All who did the smallest piece of work in the perfect city would become famous, even if nobody knew the specific work they did.

There is a perfect city. Mixed in with less perfect buildings, less perfect streets. The perfect city exists as shards of itself across thousands of other cities.

There is a perfect city. The only place that it can be found is the pages of the archecture section of the Canterlot Public Library. A page here. A chapter there. Spread across history and the minds of hundreds of archetects and left unbuilt because nobody knows it exists.

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Posted by on May 11, 2018 in My Writing