Monthly Archives: January 2020

First Post of 2020

In the cyberpunk future we are! Still feels weird to be in the future like this. Anyway, the main reason I haven’t been posting is that there hasn’t been much for me to say. Between the anti-depression meds and actually exercising occasionally, the clinical side of the depression is more or less handled for me. Which is nice! However, I’m now struggling with the ingrained habits of not doing anything and so… struggling for motivation even when I’ve got the energy and oomph to do something.

Still playing World of Warcraft, even though sometimes it feels more like a responsibility than a fun game. Which is about par for the course. I do wish it was a little better at delivering story. I mean, there are some really neat stories in the game. Both small scale (a quest or two) and large scale (whole sections of the game) but since there is no dialogue (more or less) outside of the quest acceptance screens, it fails at delivering crucial plot points on occasion.

In reading news, I’ve jumped into re-reading some of the Sector General stories. Which are science fiction stories (most of them short stories) about a multi-species space hospital. I remember them being really good and it’s been almost a decade since I read any of them. I was reminded of the series by a conversation about memory and neuroscience I had with some housemates so I decided to see how I react to them from my current state of mind/personality/self.

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Posted by on January 4, 2020 in Reading 2020, Video Game