Monthly Archives: August 2018

Review: The Rhesus Chart (Laundry Files Book 5)

The Rhesus Chart (Laundry Files Book 5) by Charles Stross

Following my successful re-read of the Honor Harrington series I decided to go back and read some of this (sorta) urban fantasy. It’s got some cool concepts and I enjoyed the first three a while back. The fourth I remember being a bit disappointing. Wasn’t that bad this time. Fifth one was… I don’t know. The writing is still good and I like the characters. It just lacks that ‘grab my brain and shake it in excitement’ spark that my favorite stories pull off. Since this is the fifth book in the series I would not suggest starting with it. Each of the stories is mostly self-contained so you wouldn’t be terribly lost for the most part, but a lot of the background and character development would be lost on you. I might give the next one a try but my main feeling now is that the big end-of-the-world event that the series has been building up to is more interesting than any of the stories that he could be telling at this point, so I want him to just jump to that.


Posted by on August 30, 2018 in Reading 2018, Reviewers


Review: Honor Harrington series

Recently (like two weeks ago at this point I think?) I went back and read the entire Honor Harrington series by David Weber. Military scifi and space opera. I was a big fan of the books back when I was younger (like a decade ago?) but when I got caught up and he wasn’t really putting out more books in that series it kind of fell off my radar. Recently I noticed there was a new book out (sort of) and decided to revisit the whole thing. Including the two newer books I have not read. I did not read the five short story collections, except for two short stories that were the introduction of particular characters important later.

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Posted by on August 20, 2018 in Reading 2018, Reviews