Category Archives: Anime

Second post of 2020

Well, it’s been interesting the last few months. Well, maybe interesting is the wrong word. Anyway, things here are decent enough. Everyone in the house is safe and we are staying inside. Mostly. I probably go for snack runs to the grocery store a bit too often but I’m very careful when I go out.

Anyway, in news not about the end of the world, I watched an older anime recently. A rewatch of an old favorite from 2002. Older art style and animation. Wasn’t exactly top of the line when it was new either, but I still liked it. Was interesting to see how my reaction has changed over the… almost two decades since I saw it the first time. The pacing was way slower than I remembered. I think it is mostly because of the lack of animation quality. I don’t mind slow pacing in slice of life anime, but in more modern anime the quality lets more detail and motion even in moments of nothing much happening. I still liked it, for the most part. Mostly for the same reason as I did way back when. The unconventional romance premise. Though I tend to like more modern stuff more these days. Nicer animation is just nicer, even when I sometimes don’t like the art style. Except for the new Fruits Basket. Original/First anime for life on that one.

Still, life continues. Depression comes and goes. Sleeping pattern wobbles around like a sipping top on drugs.



Posted by on April 24, 2020 in Anime


Anime: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Today marks the first day of (hopefully) a month of daily updates. Part of my multi-part plan to use the run up to Bronycon as motivation to try and get myself motivated to do things and be more active both physically and creatively. I’ve actually been writing content in the form of reviews for a week or so now just to have a buffer. Some pony fic reviews, but the majority is a dozen (or more) movie reviews from a few nights I’ve watched a whole bunch of niche obscure movies on Amazon Prime and Netflix. So that was interesting since most of them were not only movies I had never heard of but genres and styles I don’t normally watch.

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Posted by on July 1, 2019 in Anime


NaNoWriMo begins

Got almost 2000 words written on the first day. Which is a decent start. Going to finally get the pony cyberpunk out of my brain and onto paper (metaphorically speaking). Plus new depression/apathy meds so hopefully that will make me even more productive. That is, productive at all.

In other news I found out today that I lost a lot of my archived stuff in my last computer swap. Which was because of glitched hard drives. Nothing major mind you since it’s been (I think?) years since my last computer and I only now noticed. Mostly because I thought my backup harddrive had all that stuff. Apparently not! So lost 50+ gigs of anime from back when I watched a lot of fansubs. Some of which dated all the way back to when I was going to an anime club weekly back in Colorado. So, some sentimental value there. Plus the fansub groups often do a better job of translating than the official releases. Which is how I found out. Watching the official release of the third season of Nanoha and, well, it has not been inspiring. Mostly wrong organization names compared to my memory. Which in turn lead me to discover that my years of keeping track of what the anime club watched files are gone as well. Which is a big blow since that was something I maintained for around six years and was pretty damn proud of. Sort of a spiritual precursor to the BMRL now that I think about it. Might have to save up and see if those old computer harddrives can be repaired and the data gotten from them after all.

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Posted by on November 1, 2018 in Anime, My Writing, Ponies


Stardew Valley

Been playing this computer game a lot last week or so due to a friend giving me an extra copy of theirs. Enjoying it a lot. Simple and not deep, but broad and almost relaxing. Except when I die in a dungeon and lose a pile of useful resources, anyway.

For those that don’t know about it, Stardew Valley is a video game where you manage a farm in a small town. Highly simplifed of course. Buy seeds, plant crops, take care of livestock, sell produce for a profit. Lots of different types of plants to grow. There is a abandoned mine full of monsters to explore for gems and metal ones. You can fish in rivers and the ocean. Forage for food and flowers. Talk and become friends with the townsfolk, even marry someone. Oh, and give gifts to local forest spirits. I like it because no one part is all that deep or complicated but there is enough things to do that I don’t get bored.

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Posted by on October 7, 2018 in Anime, Video Game


Anime: Overlord

Well, messing around in Fallout 4. Even got past the installing mods part and now in the early part of the game where I’m struggling to get a settlement up and running. I’ve got two mods that make it really hard to get enough crops and clean water. Plus I don’t have any salvage beacon dispatchers so can’t loot everything not nailed down yet. Grr.

Enough about that, time for thoughts on anime I watched recently.

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Posted by on July 6, 2018 in Anime