Category Archives: Entangled Future

Another story from me

My goal last year was to put out two stories for sale, doubling my output of one story the previous year. Ended up having to cram lots of writing and editing into the last two weeks of December, but I made it with several hours to spare. Have a third short-ish story out on Amazon as a ebook. Scifi type story. As always, though unexplained to anyone until now, the stuff to the right under Empyrean Library is stories I’ve written and put out for sale. I’ll also provide links below for anyone interested. In order of release, that is oldest to newest, see below.

Vallan: A retelling of a Aurthurian legend set in far future science fiction space setting. First thing I ever published and had other people read in any organized fashion.

Gravedigger: Post-apocalyptic fantasy world that in one form or another has been rattling around in my head for years now. Very short, but I hope to do more in this world this year.

Nothing Begins In Isolation: The first section in what I hope is going to be at least a full novel-length story. Not nearly as stand-alone as the previous two on this list. Got some fun ideas for this one, just hope I can figure out a good way to explain the cool tech worldbuilding ideas I’ve got without resorting to exposition dumps.